Blueberries Are a Gals Best Friend

Sunday, May 05, 2013

Maximizing Joy

A number of years ago, I went to a week-long residential (read all day and all night) training where I dad had passed away the week before the training, so needless to say I was pretty distracted, grieving, making arrangements, dealing with family, etc....

For all the hours spent there, the one thing that stuck with me was a talk by one of our Sr. Leaders who had a history of running the happiest and most productive groups in the company. His secret? He had made a decision, that in his life, and in his career, he was going to do everything possible to maximize the area under his Joy v. Time curve. Apparently his attitude was infectious, and it yielded great results in his teams.

I have been having kind of a rough spot over the past month...April is indeed the cruelest of the dozen! Have been letting fears and moods and anxiety really color my world, and my interactions with others.....and it's not a pretty today begins my quest to find the joy in every day, no matter what gets thrown my way, or how I interpret others actions.....I will choose to refocus my attentions and energies toward that which builds me up, not that which might tear me down, and I will blog and journal about all the aspects that present, I found joy in making a new playlist of music I have been collecting for the man I love, and doing laundry and ironing, trying a new bread recipe.....and in clearing some space on my desk......sometimes it is the smallest rituals that bring the greatest peace.


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